Development of the AZX Series Servo Motors Equipped with ABZO Sensor

This information is current as of October 17, 2024.

To shorten takt time, especially for an axis moving a large load in a long stroke, motors need to have higher torque in the high-speed range. Unifying motor control is also necessary to reduce wiring through compatibility with various industrial networks and to reduce equipment startup time.
The AZX Series is developed on “the concept of achieving higher output power” with the AZ Series. Higher torque in the high-speed range is achieved by changing a hybrid stepper motor of the AZ Series to an SPM*1 motor. In addition, the AZX Series has the same level of operability as the AZ Series by inheriting its extensive functions, including the “ABZO Sensor” and the simple sequence function.
This article explains the features of the AZX Series, as well as the heat separation design and heat dissipation structure change made to the motor and driver to handle increased heat generation due to higher output power.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Features of the AZX Series
    • 2.1. Higher Output Power with the AZ Series
    • 2.2. Unifi ed Operability with the AZ Series
      • 2.2.1. Driving functions
      • 2.2.2. Network compatibility
      • 2.2.3. Combination with Rotary Table Mechanism
    • 2.3. Gain Adjustment
  • 3. High output support
    • 3.1. Heat Dissipation Design of ABZO Sensor
    • 3.2. Driver heat dissipation design
  • 4. Summary
Notice Only the contents of "1. Introduction" are included here.
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1. Introduction

Oriental Motor has been expanding its product lineup of the AZ Series, equipped with the “ABZO Sensor” (mechanical absolute encoder), by adding multi-axis drivers and mini Driver as well as functions to support various industrial networks.
Generally, to shorten equipment takt time, higher torque motors are in need in the high-speed range for an axis of a large load in a long-stroke application. However, as the AZ Series adopts a hybrid stepper motor, the torque decreases in the high-speed range, which prevents its application to such needs.
This paper describes the technology and functions of the robot controller MRC01 and dedicated programming software MRC Studio (see Figure 1), which were developed to meet this demand.
Therefore, we have developed the AZX Series on “the concept of achieving higher output power” than the AZ Series.
The AZX Series achieves higher torque in the high-speed range by adopting a diff erent motor from the AZ Series. This new series has the same operability as the AZ Series, adopting its ABZO sensor, and extensive operation functions.

Figure 1: AZX Series
Figure 1: AZX Series

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Servo motor
AZX series